Thursday, January 9, 2014

The 10 mile Cadence-thon

Thanks Steve Hoffmann for this shot
2013 was an incredible year for Miss Cadence Jade. She has really blossomed into an incredible human being. With 2013 still on my mind, I couldn't help but stop +think about all the things this girl had learned. Of course you have your usuals, walking, talking, running, + such. But I thought more about the  little daily acts of funny! I have decided I need to be recording in a journal all the "funny Cadence moments" for each day - - - goal for 2014!  I have had to learn how to keep up with this goof ball. We are always singing + dancing, whether to elmo ("lala") or to Britney Spears. This girl has so much energy. So even though I didn't write down a daily journal for "funny Cadence moments of 2013" here are a few moments we wanted to rememer.

1- "nana" is our go to Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, + Snack
2- dance parties in the car consist of a lot of head banging
3- walking is NOT an option. we must  r u n  everywhere
4- mom's arms inside of the stores became uncool when her squishy feet began to work
5- water through a straw is way cooler than through a sippy, even tho it ends up all over her shirt
6- the floor under the high chair is where 99.9999999 % of CJ's food ends up
7- doggies are possibly the coolest things around town
8- saying "dadda" is impossible with out a smile
9- dancing is always required when music is turned on
10- we've cut her "baby mullet" 3 times already

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