Friday, September 13, 2013

school, school + more school

fall is in the air, + the sweet aroma is everywhere. this is usually one of the most exciting times of the year for me. i truly love fall fashion, leaves, pumpkin spice, peaches, i mean seriously, those are all fantastic. but this year, a long with the last 3 years, colby has started school around this time. along with all your kiddos, who hold up signs at your front door stating what year they're in, colby is right there with them. the only difference is, your kids usually have a huge g r i n on their face. while colby and i have h u g e tears running down ours. school makes for l o n g days. i am so in love with colby's attitude about it. yes, he despises going, but no, he never complains about it. i on the other hand, complain about it constantly!
working 4 hours a day while your better half is gone for 14 hours a day can make for an e x t r e m e l y long ten hours at home. cadence is a riot + she does keep me entertained, but exhausted as well. i don't know if you know this, but doing daily chores with a little one is extremely difficult. for example, yesterday the lawn needed mowing, so i strapped cadence to my back and hauled her around while i mowed. i just have to keep remembering that colby will eventually be done, + there is an end in sight. i can't wait to cuddle up on the couch + watch an extreme amount of football with this man. i can't wait to spend a l l of my fall with him. almost done, almost done, a l m o s t  d o n e!

Much Love <3


  1. Been there done that.....It is SOOOO hard on both of you!!! I PROMISE it will be worth it. Dean LOVES his job and works 8-4:30 every single day. While I was in it it seemed like it would never end, but now looking back I am SO grateful for all that we atleast your not living at student housing like us hehehehe! GOOD LUCK! When he is done?

    1. Yes student housing would be incredibly hard! He should be done by the end of this school year! Thank you for your encouraging words! It could always be worse! Love seeing pictures of your beautiful family and cute c u t e boys!
